
By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

Israeli Communication Minister Shlomo Karhi has now the authority to ban the channel from operating for 45 days.

The Israeli government has voted unanimously to close Al Jazeera’s operations in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said in a statement on Sunday.

Netanyahu confirmed the decision on X, stating that his government “unanimously decided” that “the incitement channel Al Jazeera will be closed in Israel”.

Al-Jazeera quoted Israeli media as saying that the ministers of Benny Gantz’s party did not take part in the voting session.

The official Israeli radio reportedly said that the head of the Mossad and other officials recommended waiting and not voting on the decision until the ceasefire negotiations are concluded.

The Israeli cabinet’s vote came after the Israeli Knesset passed a bill allowing the temporary closure of foreign broadcasting stations “that pose a threat to national security” during times of war.

“Al Jazeera harmed Israel’s security, actively participated in the October 7 massacre, and incited against Israeli soldiers,” Netanyahu posted on X at the time. 

According to the Israeli government decision, Israeli Communication Minister Shlomo Karhi has the authority to ban the channel from operating for 45 days.

Moreover,  press credentials of journalists working for Al Jazeera will be revoked, and broadcasting equipment, logistics, and technical tools, except personal devices, will be confiscated. 

Additionally, access to Al Jazeera’s website from within Israel will be restricted.

Al Jazeera denounced Netanyahu’s statements, describing them as a dangerous and ridiculous lie.


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