
Genocide and Gruesome Violence – Call to ‘Recalibrate SA Foreign Policy on Apartheid Israel Smacks of Opportunism

By Iqbal Jassat Unlike the past, Israel’s gruesome violence and defiance of international laws, are vividly displayed on television screens throughout the world. Aiding and abetting Israel’s Illegal occupation of Palestinian Territories has been outlawed by the World Court’s latest groundbreaking judgment. This ruling has been welcomed by South Africa’s International Relations Minister Ronald Lamola, […]

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‘Victory against Genocide’ – Jewish National Fund of Canada to Lose Charitable Status

By Yves Engler The Canada Revenue Agency revoking the charitable status of the Jewish National Fund of Canada is an important victory against apartheid and Canada’s contribution to Palestinian dispossession. Score a significant victory against apartheid, genocide, and Canada’s most significant contribution to Palestinian dispossession. The powerful Jewish National Fund of Canada has reportedly had […]

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‘Highest Level of Killing’ – UN Chief Slams Israel’s Military Campaign in Gaza

By Palestine Chronicle Staff   “The way the military operations are conducted and the dramatic circumstances in which humanitarian aid is distributed create a very dramatic humanitarian situation.” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has slammed Israel’s “chaotic” military campaign in the Gaza Strip and said the humanitarian situation in the besieged enclave is “a total disaster” […]

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In Dramatic Scene – Palestinians Free Fighter Besieged by PA Police in West Bank (VIDEOS)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff   Abu Shujaa was earlier placed under siege, not by the Israeli military, but by Palestinian Authority Police.  Under protests from ordinary Palestinians, and demands by Resistance groups, Mohammed Jaber Abu Shujaa, a well-known Palestinian fighter, was freed from the Thabet Thabet hospital in Tulkarm.  He later arrived in the refugee […]

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‘War Criminal’ – Protesters Demand Arrest of Netanyahu During US Visit

By Palestine Chronicle Staff   The Israeli leader harshly criticized the anti-Israel demonstrators calling them “Iran’s useful idiots.” Thousands of protesters demonstrated in Washington DC as American President Joe Biden met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House on Thursday while the death toll in Gaza continues to rise. Demanding an immediate […]

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‘For Perpetrating Violence’ – Australia Imposes Sanctions on Illegal West Bank Settlers

By Palestine Chronicle Staff   Australia has imposed financial sanctions and travel bans on seven Jewish settlers and a youth group for violent crimes against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. In a statement on Thursday, Foreign Minister Penny Wong described the sanctions as “Magnitsky-style” and said those sanctioned “have been involved in violent attacks” […]

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Knesset Approval – Ben-Gvir Now in Charge of Illegal Settlement Construction in West Bank

By Palestine Chronicle Staff   The Knesset’s decision gives Itamar Ben-Gvir the responsibility to demolish homes in the Arab community within the 1948 lands under the pretext of unlicensed construction. The Israeli parliament (Knesset) has approved the government’s decision to transfer responsibility for the Land Authority to the extremist Minister of National Security Itamar Ben […]

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