
By Abdallah Aljamal – Gaza

Palestinian Resistance captured yet more Israeli soldiers, this time in Jabaliya, in northern Gaza. The Palestine Chronicle gauged the views of Palestinians in the Strip.

Mass rallies took place in the streets of Gaza in the early hours of Sunday, May 26, following the announcement by Abu Obeida of the capture of Israeli soldiers by Al-Qassam Brigades fighters in the Jabaliya refugee camp.

The Palestine Chronicle asked four Gaza residents to comment on the operation carried out by the Palestinian Resistance over 230 days after the beginning of Israel’s genocidal war. 

Collective Choice  

Ayman Amouna is a young Palestinian living in Rafah. He has lost his home due to Israeli shelling, along with many relatives. 

“The capture of Israeli soldiers brought joy back to our hearts,” he told the Palestine Chronicle. 

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Amouna explained that resistance is the only option for the Palestinian people to confront the Israeli aggression and stop their continuous crimes against civilians which have been going on since 1948. 

“Resistance is a choice that all Palestinians have made to liberate their land and reclaim their rights,” he said, vowing that Israeli crimes, no matter how heinous, will not succeed in displacing the Palestinian people or removing them from their land.

Rallying Our the Shelters

Mohammed al-Issawi also lost his home due to an Israeli strike and is now living in a shelter in Deir al-Balah, located in central Gaza. 

“When Abu Obeida announced the capture of Israeli soldiers, we went out in a small march around the refugee camps to celebrate the news,” he told us.

“We have been living under occupation for 76 years, and we have no choice but to resist the occupation to drive it out of our country and reclaim all our occupied lands.

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Honorable Deal 

Samia Mustafa lost her husband during this war and she is now raising her two children alone. 

“I will teach my sons that resistance is the only option to reclaim our lands and to honor the legacy of their killed father,” she told us.

“The occupation deprived my children of their father, and we have been living in shelters for several months now,” Mustafa continued.

“Despite all this pain, however, the capture of soldiers has instilled hope in us that an honorable exchange deal will be eventually possible.”

Dignified Lives

Ahmed Abdullah lost all his family members when his house in the Nuseirat refugee camp was bombed. 

“The occupation knows well that it cannot free its captives by force, and it is sinking in the sands of Gaza,” Abdullah said.

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“Its only option is to negotiate an exchange deal that complies with the Resistance’s conditions and achieves the dignified life we seek,” he said.

Abdullah also pointed out that the occupation is holding more than 10,000 Palestinians in its prisons, and it is the right of the Palestinian people to free their prisoners. 

“This is what the Resistance groups are working on. We want the release of all our detainees from Israeli prisons,” he said.

(The Palestine Chronicle)

Abdallah Aljamal is a Gaza-based journalist. He is a correspondent for The Palestine Chronicle in the Gaza Strip. His email is [email protected]

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