
Demonstrations were seen in European cities on Sunday in support of occupied Palestine, with thousands gathering in Berlin for a vehicle convoy, and hundreds marching to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.

Meanwhile, in Amsterdam, human rights organizations called for a ceasefire in Gaza, criticizing the Dutch government’s perceived inaction. 

In Berlin, demonstrators attached Palestinian flags and placards to their vehicles stating “Freedom for Palestine” and “Stop the Genocide in Gaza,” before forming a convoy that passed through central points in the city. 

Organizers said over 3,000 vehicles participated in the convoy. 

The police reportedly closed the road to traffic along the route, for “security measures”. 

In the Netherlands, hundreds marched to the ICC building in the administrative capital, The Haque. Demonstrators chanted slogans in English and Arabic such as “Ceasefire Now” and “Palestine free from the river to the sea.”

Dutch Court Decision ‘Disappointing’

A Dutch court on Friday rejected demands from human rights groups to halt the government from exporting F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel.

In Amsterdam, hundreds of protestors gathered at an event organized by human rights organizations Oxfam Novib, Amnesty International Netherlands, PAX, and The Rights Forum calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Stefan Verwer, the communications director of Oxfam Novib, told Anadolu that “we want a permanent ceasefire.”

“The best thing for the people in Gaza right now is for the bombings to stop and a cease-fire to be established. Tens of thousands of people have died, and the numbers continue to rise,” he said.

Verwer reportedly said they have launched a global “ceasefire now” campaign, observing an increase in calls for a ceasefire internationally.

He noted that in a recent UN General Assembly vote, a call for a ceasefire was made, but some Western governments, including the Dutch government, either cast a neutral vote or abstained.

Verwer said Friday’s “court decision disappointed us.”

He said that although the court determined that Israel violated some rules of international humanitarian law, their request was rejected due to a legal loophole that allowed the sending of F-35 parts, Anadolu reports.

Pointing out that the Netherlands has a long-standing practice of not engaging in arms trade in regions where human rights violations occur, he emphasized that sending F-35 parts to Israel deviated from this practice, the report adds. 

Verwer reportedly said they would appeal the decision. 


The post Protests in Germany, Netherlands Demand ‘Ceasefire Now’ appeared first on Palestine Chronicle.

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