
By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

Mohammed Zayed Khdairat was detained on June 1 following a military raid on his home for alleged incitement on social media.

Israeli occupation forces have re-arrested Palestinian prisoners including a cancer-stricken detainee who is in urgent need of treatment.

Mohammed Zayed Khdairat was re-detained on Sunday, on the day of his scheduled release, despite an Israeli court decision that he may be freed after paying fine, Palestinian prisoner organizations said, according to the official Palestinian news agency, WAFA.

In a joint statement, the Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Commission and the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) said that the family of Khdairat went to collect him on the day of his release, and was surprised by the arbitrary re-detention order, without charge or trial, until November 30.

The organizations slammed the administrative detention order against the detainee “as a crime aimed at his slow and systematic killing; just as the Israeli occupation has been doing with many other sick detainees in its custody.

Khdairat has been suffering from Lymphoma cancer since childhood. Following a long-term remission and treatment program, the detainee was re-diagnosed with cancer a year ago, and he is still in urgent need to complete treatment, reported WAFA.

Treatment Denied

He was supposed to receive 12 more doses of treatment, per a protocol prescribed by the An-Najah Hospital in Jenin, where he was receiving treatment before his detention.

Khdairat was detained on June 1 following a military raid on his home for alleged incitement on social media, said WAFA. The statement slammed the pretext of incitement used by the occupation against Palestinians as another face of administration detention.

Khdairat has not received any treatment since his detention; nor has he been allowed to take his necessary prescribed medication.

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Last Thursday, the detainee pleaded with his father, via a Zoom call, saying: “Dad I’m dying.”

The prisoner organizations said the policy of medical negligence against Palestinian detainees has sharply increased since October last year, becoming a key factor in the death of many detainees, together with the crime of torture and ill-treatment.

According to the statement, there are at least 30 detainees in Israeli detention who are cancer patients.

Deputy Speaker Re-Detained

Israeli forces re-arrested the deputy of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Dr Azzam Salhab from his home in occupied Hebron (Al-Khalil) only two weeks after his release.

Last week, Israeli forces re-arrested Dr Aziz Dweik, the Chairman of the Palestinian Legislative Council, just days after his release.

Dr. Dweik, 75, was released last Thursday after eight months of administrative detention. He returned to his family in a miserable condition, having lost significant weight and appearing thin, with a long white beard and hair. He was released on Thursday evening.

Shot and Injured

On Monday morning, a Palestinian man was shot and injured by Israeli occupation forces west of the town of Zeita, north of Tulkarm, reported WAFA. The occupation forces fired heavy bullets in the vicinity of the Apartheid Wall, west of Zeita, which resulted in the young man being shot. Israeli military vehicles also stormed the town and were stationed in the western neighborhood.

Elsewhere, a 13-year-old Palestinian boy was injured by live Israeli ammunition in the town of Arraba, south of Jenin in the occupied West Bank on Sunday, following a raid by occupation forces, WAFA reported.

Mass Arrests

Israeli occupation forces on Monday launched a massive detention campaign during raids on the West Bank towns of Silwad, east of Ramallah, and Kafr Nimah, west, and detained at least 59 Palestinians, according to WAFA.

Witnesses said Israeli forces stormed the town of Silwad in the east and detained 29 citizens during a raid and search of their families’ homes.

The report said the troops detained dozens of young men and interrogated them before being released.

The occupation forces also stormed Kafr Ni’ma in the west and detained more than 30 Palestinians.

Homes Demolished

Israeli occupation forces stormed the Bedouin town of Bir Hadaj in the Negev desert and demolished Palestinian homes in the area on Monday morning, reported WAFA.

Settler Attacks

Illegal Jewish settlers, under the protection of Israeli forces, on Monday brutally assaulted an elderly man in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron.

Ahmed Barghouti al-Shawaheen was attacked while he was grazing his livestock in Wadi al-Juwaiya in Masafer Yatta.

Al-Shawaheen was rushed to the Yatta Hospital with several injuries.

Settlers from the illegal colony of Bani Hefer also assaulted a young man in the village of Al-Buwaib, east of Yatta.

Elsewhere, settlers chased Palestinian herders in Khallet al-Adra and prevented them from grazing their livestock on their lands.

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Restricted Access to Land

On Sunday, settlers attacked Palestinian farmers while they were tending their land located in the middle of the colony of Betar Illit. The outpost was established illegally on Palestinian lands in Husan village, west of Bethlehem, reported WAFA.

One of the farmers, Mashhour Hamamreh, said the occupation granted a limited number of farmers access to their land after a ban on their entry that lasted for more than eight months.

The farmer said they were surprised by more than 20 settlers, including some who were armed when they reached the land. The settlers attacked farmers and pelted them with stones upon their arrival.

Town Stormed

A group of settlers also stormed the archaeological site of Sebastia, north of Nablus city, on Monday, reported WAFA.

Sebastia mayor, Mohammad Azzem, said that dozens of settlers stormed the archaeological site in the town, under heavy protection of the Israeli army.

Located 11 kilometers to the northwest of Nablus, Sebastia is a small historical town located on a hill with panoramic views across the West Bank and has a population of some 3,000 Palestinians.

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Azzem said the town and its archaeological site had been targeted by the occupation army and settlers in an apparent prelude to taking over the land, according to WAFA.

Israeli authorities on Monday closed all roads leading to the villages and towns of occupied East Jerusalem, specifically the areas of Hizma, Anata, Jaba, and Al-Ram.

The sudden closure of the roads caused traffic jams in various parts of these towns as well as the entrances and checkpoints leading to the city of Jerusalem, reported WAFA.


The post Israeli Forces Re-Detain Cancer-Stricken Former Prisoner – West Bank Update appeared first on Palestine Chronicle.

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