
By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

The roots of Israel’s death sentence, however, are not limited to the post-October 7 events, according to American journalist and Pulitzer Prize Winner Chris Hedges.

Israel, like any other colonial state, has a “terminal shelf life” and with its genocidal campaign in Gaza, it has “signed its death sentence”, American journalist and Pulitzer Prize Winner Chris Hedges wrote on Sunday.

Under the title, “The Death of Israel”, Hedges argued that, although Israel may appear triumphant after achieving the goal of the decimation of Gaza, by that time, “it will have signed its own death sentence.”

“Its facade of civility, its supposed vaunted respect for the rule of law and democracy, its mythical story of the courageous Israeli military and miraculous birth of the Jewish nation, will lie in ash heaps,” Heges said.

According to Hedges, “despotisms can exist… but they are terminal”. Moreover, the renowned journalist argues that “the cynical weaponization of the Holocaust, including branding Palestinians as Nazis, has little efficacy when you carry out a live streamed genocide against 2.3 million people trapped in a concentration camp.”

Hedges goes on to say that Israel’s actions have turned Hamas’ fighters into heroes in the Muslim world and in the Global South. Therefore, even if it was able to “wipe out the Hamas leadership”, it would not obtain much. 

“The past — and current — assassinations of scores of Palestinian leaders has done little to blunt resistance,” Hedges said, arguing that, on the contrary, Israel’s atrocities will produce “a new generation of deeply traumatized and enraged young men and women whose families have been killed and whose communities have been obliterated.”

The roots of Israel’s death sentence, however, are not limited to the post-October 7 events, according to Hedges. 

“Israel was far down this road on Oct. 7 when it promulgated a series of discriminatory laws against non-Jews that resemble the racist Nuremberg Laws that disenfranchised Jews in Nazi Germany,” he wrote.

“Israel is a pariah state,” Hedges stated, noting how Tel Aviv’s isolation was “publically on display on Dec. 12 when 153 member states at the U.N. General Assembly voted for a ceasefire, with only 10 — including the U.S. and Israel — opposed and 23 abstaining”.

“There will be no two state solution. Apartheid and genocide will define Israel. This presages a long, long conflict, one the Jewish State cannot ultimately win,” Hedges concluded.

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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