
What Does UNSC Resolution 2722 on Gaza Mean? – EXPLAINER

By Palestine Chronicle Editors The resolution calls for boosting aid deliveries to the besieged Gaza Strip. However, it falls short of enforcing a clear UN aid mechanism. After several days of delay, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 2722, calling for “unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance at scale directly to the Palestinian civilian population […]

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US Inserted ‘Dangerous Element’ in UN Res. Allowing Israel to Ethnically Cleanse Gaza – Nebenzia

By Palestine Chronicle Staff   The United States included a ‘dangerous element’ in the draft UNSC resolution that would allow Israel to cleanse the Gaza Strip, Russia’s UN Ambassador said.  Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations Security Council, Vasily Nebenzia, confirmed that the United States included a dangerous element in the draft resolution it adopted […]

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‘People are Being Starved in Gaza’ – Oxfam

By Palestine Chronicle Staff   “While over 90 percent of people in Gaza cannot find their next meal, some UN Security Council member states are still toying with words rather than voting for a ceasefire.” “Gaza’s shocking descent into starvation was so predictable as to be premeditated, an ongoing war crime by the Government of […]

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